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The Board of Trustees was constituted as a requirement for registration and will serve for a term of three years. Trustees will maintain highest integrity and professionalism in their engagement, contribute to regular meetings and assist in decision-making on a pro bono basis. Trustees provide strategic leadership to the CRBS and promote its work and research culture in the country. Besides, Trustees will also provide assistance in fundraising and exercise sound judgement when advising on prudential use of funds.


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Dasho Pema Thinley has a Master’s degree in Education from University of New England, Australia. He also has another Master’s degree (Honors) in Curriculum Development and an honorary Doctorate in Education from the same university.    Dr Pema Thinley has worked has spent  his entire career in academia - in various positions as a Teacher, Principal, Director in the Ministry of Education and a Vice Chancellor of the Royal University of Bhutan. He has also authored a total of seven books and articles. Dasho Pema Thinley is the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society.


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Dr. Phuntsho Choden is an independent consultant and researcher. Her sector expertise is diverse, in development economics, development evaluation, business, social capital and wellbeing. She holds a Bachelor of Economics from Sherubtse College, Master of Arts in International and Development Economics from University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, Master of Business by Research in Economics and a PhD from Business School in Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She has over 20+ years of experience combining public sector, academia and private sector. She started her career as a civil servant and worked in the Department of Revenue and Customs, Ministry of Finance. She has also worked in academia and has teaching and research experience at the Queensland University of Technology in Australia, as an adjunct faculty in Royal Institute of Management, and Gaeddu College of Business Studies under Royal University of Bhutan (RUB). She has worked as an economist researcher for private sector development in Bhutan for ADB Resident Mission Office and engaged in number of consulting works. She also serves as an independent Director for the Board of Bank of Bhutan, Chair to the Board of Evaluation Association of Bhutan and is a member of networks of evaluators in the region. She is also a Board member of the Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society. 


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Needrup Zangpo has a BA (Honors) in English and Indian Literature from Sherubtse College, Kanglung.  In addition, he has completed several other professional courses in the area of journalism. He has worked as an Executive Director for the Journalists Association of Bhutan and the Bhutan Media Foundation. He has served as Chief Editor, Managing Editor, Deputy Director and Assistant Research Officer with several Bhutanese newspapers. He was also an Adjunct Lecturer at the Royal Thimphu College. He has authored five research papers and has contributed numerous articles to magazines and other publications. Needrup Zangpo is a Board Trustee for the Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society.



Mr. Laxmi Giri completed his degree in BA Economics and Finance from Sherubtse College in Kanglung, Bhutan. He has completed many professional courses as well. He has wide experience starting his career in the Royal Monetary Authority and later as a banker with the Bhutan National Bank Ltd. and T Bank. He is currently the Chief, Banking Operations at T Bank. He is also the Managing Partner and Consultant at BG Consultancy and Services. He has carried out several assignments as an Economist and Financial Management Specialist for ADB, World Bank and in-country bilateral donor agencies. He also served the CSO Fund Facility between 2010 and 2014 as the Financial Management Specialist. Mr. Giri is a Board Trustee for the Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society.

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